The ÁPH80 Transportable House | ÁBATON

The ÁPH80 Transportable House by ÁBATON

Madrid studio ÁBATON has just revealed the ÁPH80 Transportable House, a tiny prefab dwelling designed for two and sized to be easily transported by truck. The units are manufactured in Spain and could probably be shipped anywhere in Europe. For whatever reason, lately there seems to be a lot more interest and experimentation with prefab housing in Europe than in North America.

The tiny house is a simple gabled rectangle with minimal exterior adornment. Roof and walls are both clad with composite panels made from wood fiber and cement. The sheets have a mottled gray appearance that would probably help the house blend right in within a natural setting, like some kind of angular rock outcrop. All the materials were selected on the basis of their environmental impact and ability to be recycled.

The ÁPH80 Transportable House by ÁBATON

The ÁPH80 is 9 m by 3 m (291 ft2) with the bedroom at one end of the floor plan, the bathroom at the other, and the living area in between. Overall there is adequate room to move around in all three rooms, but there doesn’t seem to be much storage space in the version shown here. However the houses can be customized, and the company is also working to design add-on units for expansion, as well as a two-storey version.

The ÁPH80 Transportable House by ÁBATON

The high cathedral ceilings and large window opening in the living room do a lot to make it feel spacious and open. The interior is finished with fir from sustainably managed forests. Computer-controlled cutting machinery was used to ensure that the pieces fit precisely.

Prices for the ÁPH80 Transportable House start at €32,000. For more information contact ÁBATON.

Have a great weekend!

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Photographs by Juan Baraja, courtesy of ÁBATON.

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